Jocelyne Couture

Jocelyne is a student in the Faculty of Law from the Métis Nation of Ontario. During her time at McGill, Jocelyne has sat on both the Indigenous Affairs Committee and the Indigenous Law Association de Droit Autochtone. In her capacity as SSMU Commissioner of Indigenous Affairs, Jocelyne has brought both her lived and legal experience to the benefit of Indigenous peoples both at McGilI and in Montreal. This work includes the facilitation of Gladue report training and the amendment of the SSMU Indigenous Solidarity Policy.


Jocelyne brings with her experience within the McGill context as well as work done at Aborginal Legal Services in Toronto and the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal, and these speak to the importance of community relations at SSMU Indigenous Affairs.


As a former translator, Gladue writer and law student who firmly believes that Canada’s criminal justice system is failing Indigenous peoples, and that a restorative approach and better community supports are needed for an offender’s healing and reintegration.

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